Chapter 16: The Needs of the Many

Chapter 16

‘Didn’t know you could sing like that.’ Alec burped and raised his glass in a toast. Straker sidled back into his seat and reached for his own drink, gulping it down with a sigh of relief.  Alec leaned over wrapping a heavy  arm round Straker’s shoulder, beery breath in his friend’s ear.  ‘Should’ve told me. Could have done a duet.’ Continue reading

The Needs of the Many: Chapter 15

Chapter 15

‘Good to see you.’

‘I wanted to come out when I heard about the accident, but work…’ Alec Freeman shrugged and dropped his bag in the boot of Straker’s car. ‘You know how it is. Couldn’t have come now but for the transfer. Anyway, you look well.  How’s the General?’

‘Convalescing.  Slowly.’ Straker took his cap off and smoothed his hair back into place. ‘Three months isn’t very long though.’

‘Long enough for you.’ Freeman grinned and clapped Straker on the back. ‘That was the last thing I expected. An invite to your wedding.’

Straker busied himself with opening doors and getting into the car. ‘A lot can happen in three months Alec.’ Continue reading

The Needs of the Many: Chapter 14

I had intended saving  this chapter for  Saturday 21st September, which is supposed to be Ed Straker’s birthday (according to the unfilmed  UFO  script ‘The Patriot’) , but all being well, I am hoping to post  a new short story here on the day , simply to celebrate.

Keep watching!

Chapter 14

‘Here you are. I saved them for you.’ Mary put several newspapers onto the bed as Straker raised himself up. ‘How are you today?’ Continue reading

The end of another year.

In June 2009 I re-discovered UFO and started reading what little fanfiction there was to be found. Then I started writing it as well. A lot has happened since then, both in terms of my development as a writer and in my personal life. I remember the thrill of reading that there was going to be a new UFO film, and the grim realisation after two years of waiting  that,  like a lot of things we are promised, it was probably never going  to appear. Perhaps it is for the best. Continue reading

The Needs of the Many: Chapter 10

Chapter 10

‘Excellent work Colonel Straker. I’m impressed, and that’s not an easy thing to do. You’ve given me a great deal to think about.’

‘Thank you General.’ Straker stood easy, waiting for the older man to finish leafing through the papers: blueprints, schematics, proposals and even finance matters. Three months of solid work condensed in the last frantic hours into a working document. Continue reading