I was awake long before he realised. I remember the feel of his hand as he tucked the duvet around me, and I hoped for a surreptitious kiss, but… nothing. Like I was a stranger. Continue reading
I was awake long before he realised. I remember the feel of his hand as he tucked the duvet around me, and I hoped for a surreptitious kiss, but… nothing. Like I was a stranger. Continue reading
05.48 hours
I knew I was going to have to tell her sometime today, but she was still asleep when I pushed back the covers and, muscles stiff and aching, sat on the edge of the bed. Not enough sleep last night. Not enough sleep most nights really. Nightmares do that to you. Make you afraid to sleep, to close your eyes in case they come for you. Continue reading
Chapter 1
23rd June 2000
My nineteenth birthday tomorrow. And I have to work. As usual. Well, I suppose it’s better than being out of work, although I never intended to be a uni student here in London studying a combination of Languages and History of Warfare and have a job as well. Although a part-time waitressing isn’t really what I would call a job. It keeps me in beer money, and pays the rent. Most of the time anyway.